Input following information in the “Remarks” column: Your FULL name, phone number, email address 請在備註寫上: 姓名 (全名), 電話, 電郵
Write a separate email to for record and Tax Receipt arrangement** , include information “Your Full name, Full detail address, phone number, eTransfer date, amount & and bank’s name” 請發送另一電郵 致 資料包括:姓名 (全名), 地址,電話, 轉款日期, 金額及銀行名稱
By Cheque 支票
Cheque payable to 支票抬頭 “CCM Canada” Mail cheque to CCM Toronto office address: 請郵寄到中信多倫多中心辦工室地址:
Unit 3107, 4438 Sheppard Ave East Scarborough ON M1S 5V9
Please provide the information for Tax Receipt arrangement:Your Full name, full address, phone number 為方便發出退稅收條,請附上資料:姓名 (全名), 地址, 電話
By Cash or Credit Card 現金 或 信用卡
Visit our Centre by appointment 可預約到本中心交奉獻 Time 時間 : 10:00 am – 4:00pm
Credit card donation can handle by phone 信用咭亦可透過電話處理 Please call 請電 : 416-291-3202