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If you are not able to use PayPal, please read the note below.
若使用 Paypal 作海外捐款時遇上困難,請使用以下網頁捐款,多謝支持!
For all other donation methods, please indicate “Support CCM Fundraiser” and the name of the participant supported
Recipient email address 收款人電郵地址toronto@ccmcanada.org
Input following information in the “Remarks” column: Your FULL name, phone number, email address
請在備註寫上: 姓名 (全名), 電話, 電郵
Write a separate email to toronto@ccmcanada.org for record and Tax Receipt arrangement** , include information “Your Full name, Full detail address, phone number, eTransfer date, amount & and bank’s name”
請發送另一電郵 致 toronto@ccmcanada.org 資料包括:姓名 (全名), 地址,電話, 轉款日期, 金額及銀行名稱
Cheque payable to 支票抬頭 “CCM Canada”
Mail cheque to CCM Toronto office address:
Unit 3107, 4438 Sheppard Ave East
Scarborough ON
M1S 5V9
Please provide the information for Tax Receipt arrangement:Your Full name, full address, phone number
為方便發出退稅收條,請附上資料:姓名 (全名), 地址, 電話
Visit our Centre by appointment 可預約到本中心交奉獻
Time 時間 : 10:00 am – 4:00pm
Credit card donation can handle by phone
Please call 請電 : 416-291-3202