Scroll down for more!
- Event Details 籌款活動詳情
- Rewards 籌款活動獎勵
- Walkathon Details 步行籌款資料
How to Join 參加辦法

參加者最遲於 2024年9月14日 或以前於網上登記,並自選一項籌款活動。
Participants should register online on or before September 14, 2024 at the latest and choose a fundraising activity of their choice
或 or
聯絡中信中心 416-291-3202 / 領取表格。表格載有參加詳情。
Contact CCM Center by phone (416-291-3202) or by email ( to receive the Pledge Form. The form contains the details of participation.或
The shortcode is missing a valid Donation Form ID attribute.
The shortcode is missing a valid Donation Form ID attribute.
*Remarks: Teams are welcome to join. The person in charge of the team is requested to contact CCM Centre before registration. The centre will add the team name to the website as an option for the team member to select.

於 9月14日 或以前尋找贊助人支持你
Look for sponsors to support you on or before September 14.

行動的參加者 – 於 9月14日 前 連續兩周完成自選籌款活動。
Participants in the online action – complete the selected fundraising activity in two consecutive weeks before September 14.
步行籌款的參加者 – 於 9月14日 當天出席步行籌款活動。
Walker of Walkathon – Attend the Fundraising Event on September 14.

Finally, you can share your joy of completing the challenge with relatives, friends and sponsors through our fundraising page on SHARE
Donate to Support 捐款支持
- 捐款人可以在支持參加者名單中尋找想贊助的名字,點擊進入參加者的個人籌款網頁,便可進行捐款
Donors can find the Individual or Team they want to sponsor under Support Participants page. Click to enter the participant’s personal fundraising page, and then they can make a donation - 如果沒有特定的贊助對象,可以通過一般捐款支持中信中心
If there is no specific sponsor, you can support CCM Center through General Donations

Other Donation Methods 其他捐款方法
奉獻致 中信多倫多中心,可以透過以下途徑 —— 網上銀行eTransfer/ 支票/ 現金/ 信用咭
Donations to CCM Toronto Centre can be reached through the following channels —— Interact eTransfer/ by cheque/ cash/ credit cardFor tax receipt, you MUST print clearly the following personal information:
若要奉獻退稅收據, 必須填寫清楚以下個人資料 :
Full name and detail address
Contact phone number
Email address
*Tax receipts will be issued for donations $20 or above
*$20 或以上奉獻可獲退稅收據
Please indicate “Support CCM Fundraiser” and the name of the participant supported
CCM’s Charitable Registration number 中信中心 慈善機構註册編號 106915598RR0001
Enquiry 查詢電話: (416) 291-3202
Monday – Saturday (9:00 am – 6:00pm)
星期一至六 (上午 9 時 至 下午 6 時)
Interac eTransfer through online banking
經由網上銀行Interac eTransfer 轉賬服務
Recipient email address 收款人電郵地址
Input following information in the “Remarks” column: Your FULL name, phone number, email address
請在備註寫上: 姓名 (全名), 電話, 電郵
Write a separate email to for record and Tax Receipt arrangement** , include information “Your Full name, Full detail address, phone number, eTransfer date, amount & and bank’s name”
請發送另一電郵 致 資料包括:姓名 (全名), 地址,電話, 轉款日期, 金額及銀行名稱
By Cheque
Cheque payable to “CCM Canada”
支票抬頭 “CCM Canada”
Mail cheque to CCM Toronto office address:
Unit 3107, 4438 Sheppard Ave East
Scarborough ON
M1S 5V9
Please provide the information for Tax Receipt arrangement**:
Your Full name, Full detail address, phone number
為方便發出退稅收條,請附上資料包括:姓名 (全名), 地址, 電話

By Cash or Credit Card
Visit our Centre by appointment 可預約到本中心交奉獻
Time 時間 : 10:00 am – 4:00pm
Credit card donation can handle by phone
Please call 請電 : 416-291-3202
CCM’s Charitable Registration number 中信中心 慈善機構註册編號 106915598RR0001
Enquiry 查詢電話: (416) 291-3202
Monday – Saturday (9:00 am – 6:00pm)
星期一至六 (上午 9 時 至 下午 6 時)
We express our gratitude by different levels of rewards
個人起步費$20,三人或以上家庭起步費$30 —— 獲贈紀念品一份
Initial fee $20 per person, or $30 per family of 3 and more —— reward with a souvenir
個人參加者籌款達 $1,000 或以上 —— 獲贈送紀念證書
The participant will receive a certificate by personal fundraising $1,000 or up.
Highest fundraising amount for individual will receive a special gift.
The individual with the most support will receive a special gift.
Highest fundraising amount for team will receive a special gift.
星期六 Saturday
9:00 am-12:00 pm
Scarborough Milliken Park
(Shelter C)
Steeles Ave. E. & McCowan Road
Event Schedule
9:00am 登記 Registration
10:00am 開步禮 Welcome presentation
10:15am 熱身 Warm-up
10:30am 起步 Start Walking
11:30am 頒獎, 表演 Performance & Closing Ceremony
12:00pm 活動結束 End of Activity
*Please use the park entrance and follow staff’s instruction to register at Shelter C