91% funded
捐款進度 $145,640.78 of $160,000.00 Raised
$57,649.78 out of $145,640.78 raised from offline donations.

Fundraising period has ended

Walkathon Day: September 14, 2024
步行日期:2024 年 9 月 14 日

參加辦法 How to Participate


You can choose to attend an in-person or an online fundraiser

步行籌款 Walkathon

  • 2024年9月14日於美麗徑公園參加現場步行籌款活動。 
  • Participate in the walkathon event at Milliken Park on 2024 September 14.

網上行動 Online Action

  • 只需要自己每日進行30分鐘户外或室內運動,於2024年9月14日前的任何連續兩個星期内完成目標,同時邀請親友捐款來支持你的行動。
  • Just do 30 minutes of outdoor or indoor exercise every day, complete the goal in any two consecutive weeks before September 14, 2024, and invite friends and family to donate to support your action.




Fundraising Event

“Footprints of Love Walkathon 2024” is our 13th fundraising event of CCM Toronto Centre. The purpose is to act together with our volunteers, supporters and the public to support CCM in serving various age groups in the community through walkathon. 

This year, our Centre has placed increased focus on “Children & Youth ministry”, “Elderly Caring” and “Legal Clinic Services”.  We hope you will continue showing love & support to CCM by participating our annual walkathon event. Please come join us and witness His deeds together!

Thanks to the sponsors for their loving support!

Please click on the logo to go to the sponsor’s website

Overseas Donation 海外捐款

If you are not able to use PayPal, please read the note below.
若使用 Paypal 作海外捐款時遇上困難,請使用以下網頁捐款,多謝支持!

*Please read carefully before you proceed.



  • Name of the participant is mandatory.
    Otherwise, your donation will be used for general donation. 

  • Address with no postal code, please fill in “00000” instead.
    如所在地區地址沒有郵區編號,請於郵區編號一欄填寫 “00000”
  • Please use a credit card that is recognized internationally.

For all other donation methods, please indicate “Support CCM Fundraiser” and the name of the participant supported

Interac eTransfer

Recipient email address 收款人電郵地址toronto@ccmcanada.org

Input following information in the “Remarks” column: Your FULL name, phone number, email address 
請在備註寫上: 姓名 (全名), 電話, 電郵

Write a separate email to toronto@ccmcanada.org for record and Tax Receipt arrangement** , include information “Your Full name, Full detail address, phone number, eTransfer date, amount & and bank’s name”
請發送另一電郵 致 toronto@ccmcanada.org 資料包括:姓名 (全名), 地址,電話, 轉款日期, 金額及銀行名稱

By Cheque

Cheque payable to 支票抬頭 “CCM Canada”
Mail cheque to CCM Toronto office address:

Unit 3107, 4438 Sheppard Ave East
Scarborough ON
M1S  5V9

Please provide the information for Tax Receipt arrangement:Your Full name, full address, phone number
為方便發出退稅收條,請附上資料:姓名 (全名), 地址, 電話

By Cash or Credit Card
現金 或 信用卡

Visit our Centre by appointment  可預約到本中心交奉獻
Time 時間 : 10:00 am – 4:00pm

Credit card donation can handle by phone
Please call 請電 : 416-291-3202